Welcome to www.VinceWaldon.com

Welcome to my aging legacy site! The main contents are listed in the top menu: Volkswagens:  Pictorial HOW-TOs for various repairs, stuff I have for sale, VWs I’ve owned Jazz Fusion: my favorite form of music Bass Guitar: my favorite instrument Photography: my favorite hobby Leadership: my favorite business topic There’s also a bio page and a contact form. Please snoop around…unfortunately I’ve had to turn commenting off as of

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HOWTO: Diagnose the Dynamic Oil Pressure Warning System

HOWTO: Diagnose the Dynamic Oil Pressure Warning System

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar???

“My oil light has started to come on when my car is hot”

“The oil buzzer goes on after I’ve driven on the highway for a while… if I rev the engine the buzzer goes off”

“My oil light came on but my oil level is fine”

“My oil buzzer comes on when the engine slows to around 2000 RPM…. It’s fine at 3000 RPM or at idle.”

Any of the above are telling you it’s time to check out your oil pressure.